
JTCX Token Presale on

The cryptocurrency market is entering an important phase, an uptrend is being established by the Bulls.

04 25 2024 15:57


The cryptocurrency market is entering an important phase, an uptrend is being established by the Bulls. 
At JTCX Capital, we are in the fundraising phase from August 2023 until now, attracting many investor communities in many countries. 
Most of them have supported and expected the development of JTCX Capital in the near future. The planned fundraising period until November 2024 will be stopped earlier, but up to now all developments are rapid, so in the near future we will accelerate the work and the stages will be shorten it. Currently, JTCX Capital is completing the technical stages for the JTCX coin. 

Detailed roadmaps and content will also be revealed to the community as soon as possible. Web3, Smart Contracts and many more things are being launched by the technical department in the near future. 

An important part we want to inform the JTCX Capital Fund investor community is that we will transfer 10% of the total supply to you through Presale, this will be a special incentive for investors. that JTCX Capital Fund wants to give to the community before the IEO takes place. JTCX coins will be offered to you through two Presales on May 10, 2024. 

We will notify the community of detailed content as soon as possible.


JTCX announcement

JTCX Capital's JTCX token IEO program is taking place on for $0.075 and the next round will be $0.1